Every family has a unique story to tell. Some families and individuals have made distinct contributions to their communities, whether in business, politics, education, philanthropy, or civic organizations. These life stories can been captured and shared with a professionally edited and published memoir. Jason Theriot has worked with families and individuals to organize, write, edit, and produce book-length memoirs. Here is a testimonial from a previous client, former Louisiana state senator and business owner Fred Hoyt:
"Jason was instrumental in assisting me in collecting my thoughts, assimilating, and then putting on paper the rough draft. We then worked on editing and organizing a final draft of my life. I would recommend Jason in a heartbeat!"
The Road to Garden City: A Morrison Family History
The Road to Garden City is a story of how two families—the Morrisons and Aycocks—came together in a former lumbermill town in south Louisiana. This family history book traces the origins, background, and settlement patterns of Chester Morrison’s family. The memoir contains 150 scanned images and genealogical charts of the Morrison family and associated families that date back to early American history.

History of Levingston Shipyard
In 2017, Jason Theriot worked with Paul Mattingly, Jr. to write and edit his personal account of the history of Levingston Shipbuilding Company, titled "From Orange To Singapore: A Shipyard Builds a Legacy." Levingston was a pioneering shipyard along the Gulf Coast that built world-class vessels for the US Navy and for the offshore oil and gas industry, including the famous Glomar Challenge. Mattingly's father worked at the Texas shipyard for many years.